Are you a homeowner who has UPB devices in your home?
Would you like to receive support to assist in resolving problems or changing how those UPB devices are configured?
You can contact a local installer in your area, or you can work remotely with PCS. If there is no local installer, or you want to work with PCS, there are some steps to complete to get ready for us.
Step 1.
Read and follow the instructions in a concise 3-page,
PWX 100: Getting UPB Support for Beginners PDF.
Step 2.
Contact PCS for approval of purchasing support time from our webstore.
See Techical Support Page.
Step 3
Make notes about what the issues are with your UPB installation and what you would like support with.
It’s always best to write things down to help clarify exactly what the issues are.
Remember we can’t see what you see and know what you know. Anything that helps you communicate your problems to us will make it all go faster and have problems resolved quicker.
Contact us at (818) 701-9831 and tell us you have done these steps and are ready to go.