UPB Software/Drivers


UPStart Software

To have TeamViewer remote desktop software available for PCS support (it's free for personal use), click on the link below to download and install:

PIM-IP Full Factory Reset (connection issue after manual reset)

PulseWorx App (PulseWorx Gateway required)

PulseWorx Gateway Development Kit (PDF link)

PIM-U Driver (Serial to USB, if needed)

UPB/HLC configuration tool (free) (Windows version only)

  • HAIme - Click here to read more.  PIM-R or PIM-U is required.


PWX 301 App Note: URC Driver
URC-PulseWorx driver (external link - Chowmain software)

PWX 302: Gateway Firmware (and FTP Loading Method)

PWX 303: ELK M1 Connection

PWX 304: Control4 Driver
Control4-PulseWorx driver (external link - Chowmain Software)

PWX 305: RTI Driver
RTI-Pulseworx driver (external link - Chowmain Software)